
Sunday, November 01, 2009

A Semantic Interface?

Although it is probably true that

In thinking about semantic web technology, I’m drawn to think in terms of what it “looks like.” Or, perhaps, sounds, smells, tastes.. like. In other words, how does it manifest concretely? (as concretely, at least, as a world of virtual products manifests). How do we experience it?

What is the modality of interaction? The interrogative ? (“what German companies are investing in semantic web technologies? .. having to do with web search and language processing). The imperative? (“get me X” … having to do with agency and web services). A conversational? (“what do you think I’d like today?” having to do with profiles and avatars) A drawing? (“it looks like this”? having to do with ). The suggestive? (“for related, see …” I’m thinking here of Zemanta or Amazon). The associative and social? (the paradigmatic, but not "semantic" per se; facebook, linked-in, etc.).

Is it, instead, an “add-in”, a refinement,

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