
Friday, November 13, 2009

Media and Money – Part 1

What is the relationship between the structure of the web and the possible business models it will support, and by extension, how do these business models change when the 'web of pages' (the World Wide Web) becomes a 'web of data' (the Semantic Web)?

This is the question I posed in the last post. To begin to answer this, I'll elaborate on what I mean by "the structure of the web" and, with the benefit of hindsight, derive its possible business models as they are being worked out today.

The World Wide Web is a set of "Universal Resource Identifiers" that reference resources that are, by and large, "presentation data" requested of and sent by a server to a client for consumption and use by human beings.

Business ModelsBusiness model design template: Nine building ...

Human is terminus of "chain"

Despite intermediaries and derivation, the web is still a one-way communication

Social networking notwithstanding, it is still a publishing model

Future pricing: the resources consumed to satisfy a request

Future model: value in chain of reasoning, even if there is no explicit use

Atomization of value

Assume that semantic technologies include:




Human uses will be increasingly derivative of pre-processed informatics. Reasoners can be thought of as a variety of such pre-processed information.


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